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How To Start Living Naturally

By living naturally I'm referring to eating healthier, being happier, avoiding chemicals where possible etc. It was only recently that I decided to take a more natural route than the one I was on. I have always been creative and liked making things myself rather than buying. I came across a post on how to make your own shampoo on Pinterest and thought 'that sounds fun why not give it a try?' In the post the writer explained about the chemicals in conventional shampoos and to be truly honest, I didn't believe that any of the harmful chemicals in shampoo could actually be as bad as they were. After a lot more searching around and looking into the chemical side of life, I made my choice and set on with living more naturally. However, there have been countless occasions where I have thought 'this is too hard' or 'why am I bothering?'. I am not going to sugarcoat the journey to natural living, it has taken me a lot of will power. But if you keep focus on why you are doing it you will soon see the benefits! And that brings me to my first point. How to stay focused on living naturally. As I previously said, many times I have almost gave up on the natural journey. It is hard, everyone around you will question why you are choosing to and potentially mock what appears to be a step backwards. Natural living is a step backwards but when you know your overall health and happiness will improve who cares?! The way I stayed motivated was imagining the end results. I would read other people's stories and how their lives were better and it inspired me. Pick one aspect of your life and work on it. Now I haven't been living naturally or trying to for very long, maybe half a year? So I haven't made every aspect of my life natural yet but that's the beauty of this point. You can choose a section (beauty, diet, lifestyle, etc) and focus on that one section for awhile. From reading others experiences most seemed to start by altering their diet. I started by altering all the beauty products I use (I realised I would have to be a better cook to start with diet). I began by making my own shampoo which was extremely difficult and eventually I purchased some of the Morrocco Method shampoo to initially get over the hair detox phase. However, I made my own deodorant, toothpaste and moisturisers. I never really wore makeup before so I haven't bothered making any of that. Focusing on one part of your life really helped me and I am currently expanding and altering other sections. Have fun! Maybe this is the most important point but the natural lifestyle shouldn't be a drag, it should be exciting! Yes it requires patience but making your own products should be interesting and enjoyable! The natural life is all about being happy and appreciating the world around you so get out and do that! Go out for a walk in nature, read a book or meditate. Do whatever makes you happy as that is ultimately what we're all trying to achieve! I hope this post has helped you and if the natural lifestyle has taken your fancy or you are living naturally and have any tip or just fancy a chat follow me on Twitter @eloquencelifee or email me at

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